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This brand strategy book introduces the Brand Arrow®, an easy to follow framework  enabling every reader to write their own brand strategy


Every brand needs a point, a sharp definition of its purpose that will stick in people's minds. It stands to reason that a company that is aligned behind a shared point will have a better chance of success than one that isn't. However, this means making a choice about what that one point is, and making that choice can be fiendishly hard to do. 

A Brand Strategy can do this.


This book introduces the Brand Arrow®, an easy to follow process to enable every reader to write their own brand strategy. Each Brand Arrow® contains the vision, proposition, values, key messages and customer profile that will ensure your brand's logo, website, social media, brochures and sales pitches find their target.


Points are good because they stick into things. Brand Arrow® helps you find yours.

Since the publication of ‘What’s Your Point?’ in 2019 the book has won silver medal at the Axiom Business Book Awards - the world’s largest business book awards -  and was shortlisted for the UK Business Book award.


It has formed the basis for numerous guest speaking events including the Charted Institute of Marketing’s Tutor Conference and the Business As Mission conference in Silicon Valley. And the framework contained in the book still provides crystal clear guidance for Brand Arrow® clients looking for direction for their brands.


‘What’s Your Point?’ was launched at Waterstones which has since become the biggest buyer of the book - accounting for one third of all national sales.

" Powerful, insightful and practical."

Paperback edition by Andrea Taylor-Cummings


What a powerful and practical book that is also a joy to read! Often as entrepreneurs and business leaders, the challenge we face is to be able to step back from our product or service (that we are so passionate about!), distil what we offer down to the unique essence and then communicate that offering in a way that potential customers 'get it' and understand why they must buy from us. That's what this book helped me achieve.

I devoured it cover to cover in a week and then went back to answer the questions chapter by chapter.

I really connected with the engaging, conversational style, lots of stories and examples to guide me along, which meant I had confidence in the end result. An indispensable business resource for anyone who wants to create brand clarity and consistency in their message to the world.

"Refreshingly different"

Format Paperback by H Fay


Bruce McKinnons's book "What's Your Point" is refreshingly different, different for many reasons. For starters, it explains simply and clearly exactly what a brand strategy is (I didn't really know; do you?) and why any successful business / organisation needs a "shared point" (read the book). It's littered with numerous real examples / anecdotes bringing the strategy to life (you'll find yourself saying "Ahh, I get it" and "Ohh, I never knew that")... from Monty Python to Ikea, from Woody Allen to Nike, from Napoleon Bonaparte to shipping containers! There is the added bonus of the author including a structured workshop at the end so you can apply the book's content specifically to your organisation (he's done himself out of a few quid there). It is excellent. Buy it, read it and reap the benefit.




“A must read for all those who want to stand out from the crowd and drive real growth.”

Mark Helvadjian, Founder ShippingEasy and SCRUBD

"Magical! Bruce has integrated strategic planning, branding, marketing and story telling into this compact easy to read guide.  I've been waiting for this to recommend to clients and colleagues in businesses, nonprofits and networks. Invaluable!"

Jonathan Rosenthal. Co-Founder, Equal Exchange, US

“Anyone studying business should read this book. Bruce has created a useful structure to ensure that a business has a clear and succinct idea of its purpose.”

Andrew Angus, Director of the Full-time MBA, Cranfield School of Management

 “An inspiring and practical book, succinct and full of wisdom. This book will help your organisation focus and grow.” 

Jeremy Lindley, Board Director, Business Design Association

'What's your point?' maps out a compelling and robust model for brand and marketing strategy, so marketing novices, start-ups, or even mature businesses needing a re-boot, can create a route map for growth and success.

Stephen Woodford, CEO Advertising Association 


(Every reader of "What's Your Point?" can download a copy of the Brand Arrow® Workshop chart by using the ISBN code found on the second page of the book as the password.)


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